Pest Related

Frequently Asked Questions


Advanced Termite & Pest Control has over 35 years experience serving Southern Utah. Our vast experience in the pest control industry, means that we have the expertise to help you deal with your tricky pest issues. Many homeowners have questions about pest control. Below we have offered some answers to frequently asked questions.


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Some things to look for that could indicate termites:

  • Small holes in drywall
  • Discolored or drooping drywall
  • Sagging or buckling wooden or laminate floors
  • Moisture loosening tiles
  • Stuck windows or doors
  • Crumbling or damaged wood
  • Mounds of termite pellets (often resembles piles of salt or pepper)
  • Mud tubes climbing your foundation
The National Pest Management Association estimates that termites cause $5 billion in property damage each year.

There are a number of things you can do as a homeowner to discourage termites. Eliminate moisture from in and around your home. Termites thrive in moist environments

  • Reduce humidity in crawl spaces with proper ventilation
  • Trim vegetation away from those vents
  • Divert water away from your foundation with gutters, downspouts and splash blocks.
  • Remove tree trunks and wood debris from near your structure as they can attract termites
  • Fill cracks in your foundation, which can be invitations for termites to enter
  • Fix leaks immediately
Termites cannot be effectively treated by a homeowner. Termites should be treated by a licensed professional pest control specialist.


Termite and Pest Control
According to a survey by the National Pest Management Association, 1 in 5 Americans have reported having a bedbug infestation or knowing someone who has encountered bedbugs at home or in a hotel setting.
Bedbugs are visible to the naked eye. Adult bedbugs are normally brown. When filled with blood, the color ranges from dark brown to red.
Adult bedbugs can survive for an entire year without eating and adapt to different temperatures, making them hard to control. Once inside a hotel or apartment building, they can spread quickly.
No. Bedbugs can infest beds, sofas, chairs, your luggage, near baseboards, electrical outlets & more.


Termite and Pest Control Company
Even a clean house can have cockroaches. These pests are attracted to anything it can eat, which is pretty much anything, including garbage, sewage, carrion or crumbs.
Cockroaches are nocturnal and tend to hide in dark places. If you see a cockroach in the day, its a sign of a possible infestation. Some other possible signs include:
  • Finding roach feces (which resembles coffee ground or black pepper)
  • Unpleasant smell (Some species emit an odor)
  • Finding oval-shaped eggs
The presence of cockroaches in your home can effect your health, causing allergic reactions in some people. Cockroaches can also infect your food with E. coli & Salmonella.


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Some helpful actions you can take include:
  • Store all your food items in airtight containers (even pet food)
  • Seal cracks and gaps where ants might enter
  • Fix all leaks quickly
Ants are attracted to warm spaces near food sources and moisture, where their colony can thrive.
Ants are omnivores. They eat everything, other insects, dead or alive, fruit, seeds, plants, and human food.
Ants are attracted to your yard because of food sources like aphids, bugs, fruit, etc. You can make your yard less attractive by controlling the aphid population. Maintain your lawn and fix leaky faucets. Natural repellents such as cucumber, bay leaves, mint, cinnamon and coffee grounds can help protect your garden.
If you have a problem with ants in your yard, call Advanced Termite & Pest Control.


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Mice are typically smaller than rats. They have floppy ears and skinny tails. Larger rats have a blunter nose than a mouse.
Rats are capapble of spreading several diseases to humans, including hantavirus, ratbite fever, slamonella, typhus, pneumonic and bubonic plague and more..
Rats and mice are attracted to warm, protected places to live, where food and water is available.
If you’ve caught a live mouse or rat, you can release it several miles away from your home (preferably away from other homes) in a field so it cannot find its way back.

Stinging Insects

A picture of a termite infestation.
Stinging insects include wasps, yellowjackets, hornets and bees.
Stinging insects can be dangerous and send 500,000 people to the ER each year. Some individuals have severe allergic reactions to stings.
Some species, such as carpenter bees, are responsible for structural damage to property.
Be aware of nesting areas and use caution near them. Stinging insects sometimes build nests in attics, crawlspaces, under gutters, porches, patios or decks. Take care to keep tight fitting lids on all trash receptacles.


Termite and Pest Control Services
Scorpions try to get inside using gaps in the foundation, under doors, ground-level windows, near pipes and other utilities entry points. They can also hitch a ride on boxes, firewood and other ways.
Scorpions will sting if they feel threatened. While most scorpion stings are not life threatening, some species like the bark scorpion can be dangerous. Even non-life threatening stings can be painful, causing numbness and swelling.
The easiest way to find hidden scorpions is by use of an ultraviolet light (blacklight) at night. Attics, basements, crawlspaces and under furniture are popular places for scorpions to hide during the day. If you have found scorpions in your home, contact the professionals at Advanced Termite & Pest Conrol


Advanced Termite & Pest Control
While most spiders are harmless, some species bites can be venomous. Seven species of dangerous spiders reside in Utah, including:
  • Hobo Spider
  • Black Widow
  • Desert Recluse
  • Wolf Spider
  • Camel Spider
  • Yellow Sac
  • Huntsman Spider
Even non-venemous spiders can deliver an irritating bite when threatened.
In short, food supply. Since spiders kill other bugs and pests in your home, a spider infestation is a sign of a bigger insect population in your home.
Seven species of dangerous spiders reside in Utah, including:
  • Hobo Spider
  • Black Widow
  • Desert Recluse
  • Wolf Spider
  • Camel Spider
  • Yellow Sac
  • Huntsman Spider
  • Seal openings to your home
  • Apply caulk around wires, cables, utilities that enter the home
  • Replace or fix window screens
  • Cover vents with fine mesh screen

If you have any questions,

Call us at 435-467-0527 for a free over-the-phone consultation today!
Whether you are looking for regular services to prevent pests, or need help with an infestation now, we are here to help. In many cases we can provide you with same-day service.